Psychologist English children adults

Psychologist in English for children and adults in Madrid.

If you need a psychologist that speaks English in Madrid, because in Spanish you dont have enough fluency, or you prefer to express yourself in your native language, we can help you. Psychologist English children and adults.

In “El Conde Orgaz” next to Avenida de Machupichu we have been more than 20 years attending children and their parents.  
Sometimes, we go to The schools, to establish an actuation plan with the aim of helping The child overcome his difficulties.
But know, we count with a professional that Will help your children with their literary disorders, their attentional or social difficulties, both in English and Spanish.

Sometimes the ignorance of the language means that there is a greater difficulty in the problem. For all this it is very important that the professional manages and knows the language of the chikd or adult. This will favor a better understanding of the fact and the factors thar maintain, favor or diminish it.

Come and meet us and do not miss the opportunity. The first session for free. We wait for you to know what happens to you and to help you. Do not hesitate, we will call you to make an appointment 917599084 or send us an email. This is our contact

Psychologist English children and adults.

Psicólogo Infantil Madrid

Qué hago con mi adolescente